
I am the Slogan, 2005.

Camera: Astrid Randrup, Brian Enevoldsen, Nanna Guldhammer Wraa.
Editing: Eric Bromstead.

Uopfordret Jobansøgning til Kulturministeren, 2023.

Charlottenborg Kaffeklub, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2023.
Kulturminister: Jakob Engel-Schmidt.
Moderator: Lene Johansen.
Konsulent: Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt.

Tekstning og klip: Emilie Beck Vestergaard.
Optagelse, postproduktion og klip: Christian Ravn Brems.

Kulturredaktøren – 14 håbløse og dårlige dokumentariske digte fra Deadline på DR2, 2022.

Deadline vært: Lotte Folke Kaarsholm.

A selection of Danish radio documentaries made for the national public-service radio, Radio24syv Dokumentar, 2012 – 2018.

Episode Cover

Heksejagt i Hyggeland

En anarkistisk hippie flytter ind i en traditionel kolonihaveforening, og sladderen spreder sig som en lynild, der slår gnister ind over ligusterhækkene. Hvem er den fremmede, og hvorfor brænder et kolonihavehus ned i 2006? En personlig beretning hvor re-enactments, private optagelser mellem far og datter, politirapporter og konfrontationer sammenflettes i en historie om at være outsider.

Witch Hunt in Hygge-land

An anarchist hippie moves into a traditional Danish association of Garden Houses and the gossip spreads like wildfire sending sparks over the trimmed hedges. Who is the stranger and why does an allotment house burn down in 2006? A personal story where re-enactments, private recordings between father and daughter, police reports and confrontations intertwine in a story about being an outsider.

Recording and story: Rosa Marie Frang.
Narration: Rosa Marie Frang, Kasper Søegaard.
Music: Kasper Søegaard, Michael Wettendorff.

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Johns Død

Hovedpersonen i montagen ‘Johns død´ hed John Goodwin. Han oplevede det vi alle frygter; at gå til lægen med en mindre skavank, for derefter at få at vide at han kun har et år tilbage at leve i.

John's Death

The name of the main character in the montage 'John's Death' was John Goodwin. He experienced what we all fear; to go to the doctor with a minor blemish, only to be told he had one year left to live.

Recording, narration and story: Rosa Marie Frang.
Sound mixing and narration: Kim G. Hansen.

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Det Ligner Vat

Abort er tabu. Hvert år er der mere end tusind kvinder der får en langstrakt psykisk nedtur efter en provokeret abort. Ofte er reaktionen “Du kunne jo bare have valgt anderledes.” Det vil Brit Jensen og Rosa Marie Frang ændre på...også selvom de er 100% for den frie abort!

It Looks Like Cotton

Abortion is taboo. Every year there are more than a thousand women who have a prolonged mental breakdown after an induced abortion. Often the reaction is "You could just have chosen differently." Brit Jensen and Rosa Marie Frang wants to change that... even though they are 100% in favor of free abortion!

Recording, narration and story: Rosa Marie Frang, Brit Jensen.
Sound design and sound mixing: Kim G. Hansen.

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Strandvejens Naade

Strandvejen nord for København er Danmarks dyreste adresse. Rosa Marie Frang har besluttet sig for at undersøge hvordan det står til med gæstfriheden i de store palæer. Med mikrofon i hånd lever, sover og spiser hun i 3 dage på strandvejens naade. Her møder hun blandt mange andre kystbanesocialisten, det pensionerede millionær ægtepar og tv-kendissen.

The Beachstrips Mercy

The beachstrip north of Copenhagen is Denmark's most expensive address. Rosa Marie Frang has decided to put the hospitality in the big mansions to a test. With a microphone in her hand, she lives, sleeps and eats for 3 days at the mercy of the residents. Here she meets, among many others, the well-off socialist, the retired millionaire couple and the TV celebrity.

Recording and story: Rosa Marie Frang.

Sound mixing and narration: Kim G. Hansen.

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Kampen om Danmark

Den venstreorienterede billedkunstner Rosa Marie Frang portrætterer Nye Borgerliges kandidat til efterårets kommunalvalg i København, Aia Fog. Rosa er totalt uenig i Aia Fogs holdninger, og har ikke lyst til at udbrede hendes budskaber. Særligt ikke i en tid hvor nationalkonservative har vind i sejlene over hele Europa. Hvor passer Nye Borgerlige ind i disse strømninger? Har Rosa grund til at være bange? Og vil det lykkes billedkunstneren at balancerer sine egne holdninger og lave et retvisende portræt? Aia Fog er desuden næstformand i Trykkefrihedsselskabet og redaktør på den islamkritiske netavis Document.

Batteling About Denmark

The left-wing artist Rosa Marie Frang portrays the rightwing Nye Borgerlige's candidate for the municipal elections in Copenhagen, Aia Fog. Rosa totally disagrees with Aia Fog's views, and has no desire to spread her messages. Especially not at a time when national conservatives are gaining power all over Europe. Where does Nye Borgerlige fit into these movements? Does Rosa have reason to be afraid? And will the artist manage to balance her own opinions and create a truthful portrait? Aia Fog is also editor of the Islam-critical online newspaper Document.

Recording and narration: Rosa Marie Frang.

Sound mixing and additional narration: Kim G. Hansen.